Monday, December 7, 2009


Darlings, I am lucky enough to work at a fabulous firm with mostly fabulous people.

There is one glaring exception.  I'll call this person "Dumbo".
Dumbo is someone that drives me slightly insane with almost everything she does. 
Dumbo is muti-tasking challenged. 
Dumbo is common sense challenged.
Dumbo is, well, maybe just challenged.

Case in point: just now Dumbo decided to be proactive and clean the white board in her boss's office.  She spent seven minutes wiping and cleaning.  (Yes, seven. I timed it.) 

Ready for the best part?
Wait for it...

The white board was BLANK to begin with.


Song of the Day: Let's Get Retarded by Black Eyed Peas

1 comment:

  1. You actually timed it? It sounds like insanity is more of a short putt, rather than a drive.
