Have y'all noticed the new(ish) gangsta trend of keeping the stickers or price tag on an item of clothing that has already been purchased? I'm not sure, but I'm guessing this has something to do with one of the following:
a) making it known that you happen to own an article of clothing/accessory
b) showing off just how brand spanking new this said article of clothing/accessory is
c) being proud of how much you paid for said article of clothing/accessory and wanting other people to recognize how much of a baller you are
Just the other day, I got on the metro and there was a young gangsta, snuggling up with his lady, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. He had the stickers still on his hat. And the price tag on his jeans.
I'm sure you are very proud of your brand new articles of clothing/accessories and want the world to know how much you paid for them and what a baller you are.
I think you look like an idiot.
Song of the Day: I Wish by Skee-Lo on I Wish
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