Monday, September 21, 2009


Do y'all ever have those embarassing moments where you realize that you've said something out loud that you didn't mean for someone else to hear? Well, lemme me tellllll you - that happens to me ALL THE TIME.

Perfect example:

Just called down to my little salon to make an appointment for some ladyscaping. (The guy who sits across from me has been traveling for the last two months and hasn't been in the office, so I can make these kind of calls and not worry about him knowing about the maintenance schedule for my girly bits.)

Guess who's not traveling anymore is was sitting in his office WITH THE DOOR OPEN while I made my rip 'em & stick 'em appointment? Awesome.


Song of the Day: Let's Get Ripped by The Life of Riley

1 comment:

  1. I don't get it!!! rip em? and stick em? Maybe I should just remain clueless.
