Well, maybe not a full-on facelift... more like botox. (You know, little touches that make a big difference)
One of these little touches was the building of a fence around our side yard and connecting it to our back yard. The fabulous hubster and I had discussed hiring a fence guy. Imagine my surprise when I returned from a girl's weekend to find the hubster working on a new fence - no fence guy in sight. He then explained that we could "do this ourselves". Hmmm.
Ourselves. Not himself.
As some of you may know, I have been lusting after a certain rug for the past year or so. LUSTING. As in, this rug makes my heart beat faster.
I struck a deal with the hubster: I would help with the fence if I could have my rug.
Guess who just ordered her rug yesterday?

Song of the day: What A Girl Wants by Christina Aguilera
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