Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My aching hip + babies can make you broke

Let me tell you, ligament stretching sucks.  A LOT.  As in, you basically feel like you're being stabbed in the butt cheek ALL. DAY. LONG.  Not awesome.  Apparently this is something that I can look forward to for the next 6 months.  No real exercises to help it or ways to avoid it once it rears its ugly head.  Heating pad, massage... here I come.

In other news, baby crap is expensive.  Thank god I have friends that are willing and able to provide me with advice about which crap to spend the money on and which crap is not worth it.  As in:
Me: "are all these attachments really necessary or do they just get annoying?" 
Awesome friend who already kids: "annoying.  don't do it."
Me: "sweet.  thanks for helping me save money so my unborn child can go to college instead of have a random baby thing with lots of attachments."

That's all.

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