Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Guess what starts soon?  The Olympics - yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! 

I heart the Olympics for so many reasons.  They're epic.  They showcase the best athletes in the world, instead of lame reality tv people.  They're inspiring.  They make me cry (um, all those "came from nothing/sacrificed everything/now living the dream" stories get me EVERY TIME.)  There are sparkles (summer: gymnasts / winter: ice skaters) and y'all know how much I LOVE SPARKLES. 

Here is a perfect example of what I hope to see in a couple weeks (please note the HOTNESS at 1:38 and 2:30):
Johnny Weir - Poker Face

Oh god, I am so excited!


Song of the Day: Poker Face by Lady Gaga (duh)


  1. I love the winter Olympics. But I'm a bigger fan of Shaun White and Apollo Ohno, than Mr. Weir. Plus I like the Lady Gaga flash and sparkle. No matter.

  2. that was amazing. and ridiculous. i can't believe you like the winter olympics because of sparkly ice skating outfits. my favorite moment was definitely at the 1:38 mark ... thank gawd you pointed it out. i have add and probably wouldn't have paid such close attention.

  3. I am NOT with you on this. I don't like olympics bumping my awesome shows.
