Love it. As in, it's one of my all-time favorite foods. Especially when mixed with cut up hot dogs. (side note: hot dogs are also one of my all-time favorite foods, so the two of these together is kinda what I imagine heaven will be like... all I can eat mac & cheese and endless hot dogs)
It's been a bit of an emotionally intense/draining couple of weeks (for reasons that I may or may not blog about - I haven't decided) and if you know me well, then you know that I really like to stress-eat. I also really like to boredom-eat. I pretty much just like to eat.
Anyway, the hubster and I decided that we needed a mellow Wednesday night at home... We'd stay in, cook, have a glass of wine, watch a movie... FABULOUS.
Around 11:30am yesterday, I decided that "cooking" meant mac & cheese. I promptly IMed the hubster, informed some of my coworkers, and of course my fab friend T about my delicious plans. So exciting! (yes, I just used the word "exciting" to describe a quiet night with mac & cheese. whatever.)
We got home last night and I immediately changed into jammies. Well, dance pants, a sweatshirt and uggs, but basically jammies. We walked the dogs and then came back home to begin the relaxation. Cracked open a bottle of wine, started the water boiling... and 15 minutes later I was on the couch with a huge bowl of yumminess and full glass of wine, vegging out.

Song of the Day: Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen